Wednesday 25 December 2019


Kunci ini mematangkan. Kunci ini menguatkan hubungan Dee suami isteri. Bak kata org kampung Dee, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Proses nk dapat kunci nilah yg buat Dee stress time pregnantkan Mikayla dan berpantang.

Alhamdulillah proses yg rumit akhirnya selesai jua dan dgn itu sebuah apartment kecil 3R + 2B menjadi milik kami. Dapatlah kami menyediakan tempat berteduh milik sendiri utk Mikayla sementara mencari rezeki di Selangor ni. Tak perlu lg keluarkan RM800 bulanan bayar rumah milik org lain dan tercapai juga target Dee utk menyewa paling lama pun setahun je hehe.

Rumit bukan sbb apa, rumit sbb Dee kurang ilmu. Walaupun rumah kami dekat dgn Alam Megah, tujuan post ini bukanlah utk bermegah. Sekadar perkongsian pengalaman Dee MEMBELI RUMAH SUBSALE MENGGUNAKAN LOAN GOVERNMENT IAITU LPPSA *dlm bahasa rojak. Dee terlintas untuk berkongsi sbb Dee rasa byk "expensive mistakes" yg Dee buat sbb kurang ilmu. Ramai jugak yang takut nk guna loan LPPSA sbb tak tahu proses. So harapnya post ni dpt membantu dorang.

Tak rugi ke guna loan LPPSA utk beli rumah bwh RM300k? Rugi atau tak terpulang kepada peminjam. Most kakitangan kerajaan 'simpan' kelayakan loan LPPSA dorang utk membeli rumah idaman sbb loan LPPSA mempunyai interest rate lebih rendah dari banks iaitu 4%, boleh include insurance n legal fees dlm loan tu dan memberi 100% margin of financing (MOF)/loan utk rumah pertama.

Ye betul, rumah pertama sbb loan LPPSA sebenarnye boleh dipohon untuk kali ke 2 asalkan loan terdahulu tidak melebihi kelayakan maksimum peminjam. Tapi MOF pn xde la dpt 100% ye. Still xdelah rugi sgt kn. Yg ni Dee pn kne study lg. Mana tau ada rezeki apply loan utk rumah idaman kat Selangor ni plak. Berangan itu free kwn2 kikiki. 

Loan LPPSA hanya consider komitmen yg tercetak di pay slip sbb monthly installment mmg akan dipotong terus dari gaji korang.
Dee dh ada personal loan bank yg tinggi (ni jgn tiru) bina rumah sesebuah atas tanah di kampung. Masa tu tak kawen lagi ngn org yg lahir kat KL ni. Kenapa Dee guna persoanal loan utk rumah tu kita cerita lain kali la ye. Atas sbb tu jugak lah loan LPPSA ni pilihan terbaik Dee utk masa sekarang. Lagipun this year Dee dah 31 tahun dan max tempoh loan LPPSA hanya 30 tahun je. Kiranye Dee just perlu byr loan rumah ni setahun je lps Dee bersara wajib umur 60 tahun.

LPPSA solely tgk pay slip, so make sure pay slip korang cantik  (potongan tak lebih 80% dari gaji kasar dan gaji bersih tak kurang 20%). Since Nov 2017 LPPSA dh kira kelayakan based on gaji kasar (basic + elaun) bukan lg dari gaji basic je. Kalau boleh potongan jgn msk pay slip la. Klau nk ada potongan pn maybe just zakat, TH atau ASB dan seangkatan dengannya. Yg ni LPPSA tak ambil kira sebagai potongan.

Yg potongan tu Dee xde masalah tp masa Dee nk apply tu problem jugak sbb Pusat Pembayar Dee still Sibu and elaun Sarawak dh dipotong tp elaun smnjg belum dapat. So to anyone yg baru berpindah from Borneo to smnjg or vice versa, tggu until pay slip kembali normal.

First thing kne buat b4 beli rumah ialah CHECK KELAYAKAN loan. Yg ni boleh google je. Kelayakan loan menunjukkan maksimum loan yg korang boleh apply. Tp Dee tak recommend korang cari rumah mengikut kelayakan loan ye. Cari yg korang afford to pay monthly for 30 years AT THAT TIME. Mcm mana nk tau korang boleh afford rumah tu ke tak korang boleh google home loan calculator. Try isi harga rumah, interest rate (4%), dan tenure (30 tahun) then dia akan keluarkan monthly installment tuk rumah tu. Kalau nak masukkan insurance and legal fees dlm loan LPPSA, combine dgn harga rumah time isi.

Dh tahu berapa monthly installment, tolak siap2 gaji bersih tuk food, kereta, petrol, insurance, parents, toiletries & grooming, entertainment etc. Adakah jumlah yg tinggal tu cukup utk korang byr monthly installment rumah? Calculate dgn gaji bersih yg ada sekarang bukan in the future. So bila kira tu jgn sedapkan hati ckp gaji akan naik tiap2 tahun ek. Jgn beli klau korang cannot afford. Carilah rumah yg lebih murah hehe. Atau tggu gaji tinggi skit. Kalau nk tggu, bear in mind yg generally harga rumah makin mahal bukan makin murah.

Market rumah subsale atau rumah second hand ni still menjadi pilihan sbb kawasan dh matang tak mcm underconstruction property. Means area tu bukan tmpt jin bertendang hehe. Ia juga complete dgn segala prasarana mcm school, clinic, eateries,  shopping mall, access to highways, LRT etc. Rumah undercon biasanya perlu tggu a few years utk siap and a few more years utk kwsn jd matang.

Utk decide area mana nk beli rumah boleh consider home-work place distance. Ada org boleh tolerate drive jauh asal dpt rumah landed dgn harga lebih murah. Tp still kne consider hidden charges like toll, petrol and the sacrifices you have to make like hadap traffic jam or keluar b4 Subuh and solat kat office. Ada org kalau boleh nk rumah sebelah tmpt keje je hehe. 6 tahun Dee drive 60km pegi blk school kat Sibu so Dee mmg tau yg Dee nk rumah dkt ngn tmpt keje. I'm not an early riser tp rezeki jd cikgu, Alhamdulillah.. Nk tak nk, still kne bgn n start keje awal hehe. Dua2 tak salah. Terpulang. Dkt pn ok, jauh pn ok. Org kata alah bisa tegal biasa. Jgn ikut ckp org. Bukan guna duit dorang tuk byr loan nanti. Kenali diri anda k.

Masa survey area tu, survey juga market value rumah kat situ. Mcm mana nk tahu market value rumah di sesuatu kwsn, korang boleh google property guru. Key in area yg korang berminat and under pricing insights dia akan list down last purchase transaction and also the transactions in a few years back for your info. Dari situ korang boleh tau price range harga rumah area tu. Cara lain ialah korang boleh riki2 dgn penduduk atau org yg biasa dgn area tu mcm pak guard.

Now is buyer's market so it's the best time for you to buy subsale property. Rumah susah dijual skrg. Supply exceeds demand. So korang boleh dapat harga market value or below market value kalau pandai cari or nego. Sometimes rumah undercon dijual dgn harga 'masa depan' yg guna word 'akan' yg entah jd kenyataan atau tidak.

Dh survey beberapa rumah yg berkenan, contact owner atau real estate negotiator (REN). Kalau nk bezakan REN dgn broker, REN ni ada no ID dia and korang boleh check identity dia dkt BOVAEA (Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers). Jgn sesekali bank in duit booking msk ke account personal. Klau org tu minta booking msk akaun dia, tu bukan REN tu broker. DO NOT deal with them.

Masa contact, tanye siap2 sama ada owner rumah setuju ke tak klau nk guna loan LPPSA. Ada owner tak nak buyer yg nk apply loan LPPSA sbb nk pkai duit cpt. Loan LPPSA biasanye ambil masa lebih lama tuk diproses compared to banks. Kalau owner setuju korang boleh set time ngn REN tuk viewing. Mesti pegi viewing ye. Jgn percaya ngn gambar semata-mata.

Kelebihan viewing rumah subsale ni korang boleh tgk location live. Tak perlu guna imagination korang mcm viewing rumah undercon. Viewing rumah subsale ni biasanya ada org yg stay rumah tu sama ada tuan rumah atau penyewa. Tp time ni korang jgn kisahkan privacy penyewa atau owner. Klau nk snap pictures snap je. Just gtau la dorang sepatah ye.

Tanya juga sama ada rumah dijual as is atau kosong mcm yg developer bg. Maksud as is tu mcm yg korang tgk. Biasa benda2 wall mounted mcm kitchen cabinet, lampu cantik, kipas, air cond, tiles/vynil floor, ceiling kapur tu korang boleh kawtim dgn owner.

Dee beli rumah highrise so Dee boleh bg tips viewing rumah highrise je la. Ada beberapa faktor yg korang boleh consider:

- Jumlah unit rumah dlm kwsn apartment akan tentukan kepadatan penduduk area tu.
- Jumlah unit setiap floor: Yg ni akan jd neighbour korang.
- jumlah lif dlm building tu: Since ini rumah subsale dan live location, seeloknye clock masa yg diambil dari korang mula tggu lif sehingga korang smpai ke rumah. 5 minit tu acceptable la. Kalau lebih 5 minit korang fikir la ye. Pagi2 korang dh lmbt nk pegi keje haru jugak nk tggu lif n berebut dgn org len. Dee view 2 rumah, satu 4th floor satu lg ground floor. Dee end up beli yg ground floor tu. So dh tak perlu risau psl naik turun lif. Tp ada juga org advise jgn beli ground floor for safety and privacy reasons. The best is 1st floor la kot. Again, depends.
- harga maintenance fee akan mempengaruhi bajet bulanan korang
- meter air: Sama ada single meter for the whole building atau SYABAS/Indah water individual meter. Kalau single meter for the whole building, korang kene bayar bil air dgn fixed amount setiap bulan. Kalau individual meter bayar mengikut penggunaan korang. Apartment yg Dee sewa sekarang ada single meter for the whole building ni so bil air nye RM40 setiap bulan which is the same or sometimes more than harga bil elektrik kitorang 😂 Alhamdulillah rumah yg dee beli air under SYABAS.
- car park: Sama ada 1 atau 2. Sama ada dlm building atau under the sun. Kalau org jenis minat dan sayang kereta cari yg dlm building la ye. Dee jenis xde la syg sgt kat kereta. Asalkan selamat diguna dan boleh bw Dee ke destinasi dh cukup.
Faktor lain mcm freehold/leasehold, berapa squarefeet, amenities (nak yg ada swimming pool ke, gym ke, tennis court ke surau ke dewan ke) ikut kemampuan dan citarasa masing2 k. 

Beli rumah subsale ni biasanya owner akan appoint lawyer siap2. Terpulang korang nk guna khidmat lawyer yg sama atau nak appoint lawyer sendiri. Kalau korang guna lawyer sama, clarify siap2 ttg legal fees. Sepatutnya kalau guna lawyer sama, legal fees kongsi la kn. Dee tak clarify siap2 and turned out Dee sorang yg byr legal fees k. But the lawyer acted more on behalf of the owner drpd on behalf of Dee. Bab deposit dok push2 Dee tp smpai time Dee, wpun gaji dh kne tolak ngn LPPSA,  kunci rumah still tak dapat2 lagi. Nk kne dipush baru gerak. Haha ketawa terbahak2 Dee dgn kebodohan sendiri. Kalau dee nk byr 100% legal fees baik la dee appoint lawyer sendiri kn huhu. At least kepentingan Dee terjaga.

LPPSA sekarang dah tak keluarkan borang bercetak. Semua kene isi online. Dee yg kurang ilmu ni serah bulat2 pd agent utk isi. Dee just sediakan dokumen yg agent minta je. Dee rasa better isi sendiri sbb beli rumah ni, a big step and decision. Kalau isi sendiri, you know everything about what you're getting yourself into. Cuma cara nak isi perlu pergi menuntut. Dgn siapa dan kat mana Dee pn kurang pasti huhu. Maybe boleh tanya colleague senior korang yg pernah isi sendiri. Tp yg ni pn perlu caution jugak sbb tak tau up to date atau tidak.

Tak salah nak agent yg isikan tapi make sure korang specify siap2 apa yang korang nak cth nk apply loan termasuk legal fees dan insurance ke tak. Insurance lak nk MRT atau MLTT. MRT ada pampasan sahaja kpd pewaris manakala MLTT ada pampasan dan hibah cash. MLTT mestilah lebih mahal drp MRT. Specify siap2 nk insurance mane kat agent. Jgn serah bulat2 pada agent. Insurance rumah ni mahal. Kalau masukkan dlm loan, ia akan mempengaruhi monthly installment rumah.

Dan rupa-rupanya insurance rumah ni pn ada komisyen yg boleh diclaim dari company insurance. Berapa percent Dee kurang pasti. Komisyen dia 4 angka juga la. Patut la lawyer Dee suruh apply Etiqa, agent yg isi lak insist nk apply Takaful Bhd. Kalau korang isi sendiri, korang la yg boleh claim komisyen. Kalau tak ada sesiapa yg claim komisyen tu pun, org2 office LPPSA akan bahagi2 claim sesama dorang jugak. This is what my CC told me. Dia pn baru tahu haha.

Selepas isi online, beli rumah subsale ni perlu submit nilai harga rumah ke Jbtn Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPEH) . Buyer juga perlu instruct lawyer utk untuk hantar invoice legal fees (kalau apply dlm loan) dan baki hutang owner rumah dgn bank utk 6 bulan. Dee tak tahu step ni so permohonan Dee tak dpt diproses. Hampir sebulan jugak tertunggak. Sbbnya Dee tak perasan email yg LPPSA quiry pasal tu. LPPSA  akan berhubung dgn korang hanya melalui email. Jd be alert dgn inbox email korang ye.

Ramai pembeli tak memilih utk beli rumah subsale kerana memerlukan deposit dalam jumlah yg byk. Sebenarnya Dee pn salah seorang drpnya. Dee dh guna savings Dee dlm 30k utk top up bina rumah atas tanah kat kampung.  Kiranya savings Dee mmg dh jd nyawa2 ikan la. Deposit selalunya 10% dari harga rumah yg dipersetujui. Harga rumah pn dh ratusan ribu, mesti la depositnya pn puluhan ribu kan. Deposit biasanya diserah dalam beberapa peringkat sebelum rumah menjadi milik korang. Bg peminjam loan LPPSA yg kurang simpanan, sebenarnya ada beberapa cara yg boleh digunakan utk dapatkan deposit.
Cara yg paling popular adalah menggunakan wang kwsp dari Akaun 2 pasangan bg yg mempunyai psgn bekerja dalam sektor swasta. Ingt, hanya dari Akaun 2 ye. Akaun 1 hanya dpt dikeluarkan semasa umur 55 tahun. Untuk menggunakan cara ini, nama psgn wajib dimasukkan di dalam Sales & Purchase Agreement (S&P) walaupun hanya gaji anda yg ditolak utk pembayaran loan LPPSA ni.

Cara ni agak risky sebenarnya. Kalau tanya otai property pn mereka tidak menggalakkan guna cara ini untuk memudahkan urusan di kemudian hari kerana bercerai itu pasti sama ada ketika hidup atau pun mati. Bg yg sudah terbuat cara ini mcm Dee, at least perlu berterus terang dan beritahu secara lisan wish korang kpd psgn dan kedua2 belah family bila salah seorang atau dua2 meninggal. Kalau semua org dlm dua2 family amanah tak ada masalah. Tp still better ada black and white. Boleh try riki2 Amanah Raya, Majlis Agama dan seangkatan dgnnya. Tuan empunya diri of course la blum settle lg bab ni. Baru je dpt kunci kn. Tp dh pandai cari harta tu,  pandai2lah menguruskan harta. Nak2 bila dh ada Mikayla ni. Risau jugak Mommy.

Peminjam loan LPPSA rumah pertama perlu sedar bahawa mereka memperoleh MOF/loan 100%. Bermakna semua deposit yg  dibayar kpd owner akan diperoleh semula drp LPPSA. Jadi selain dari Akaun 2 KWSP psgn, korang boleh buat personal loan di bank dan bayar lump sum personal loan tu setelah mendapat jumlah deposit drp LPPSA. Tp make sure personal loan korang yg jenis flexi la. Biasa personal loan mmg flexi.

Satu lagi cara ialah pinjam dari Pa Ma atau family members. Jgn malu jgn segan sbb duit tu korang akan dapat blk. Dee ritu malu. Dah terdesak tak cukup baru bukak mulut huhu. Ni pn sama juga, bayar terus hutang setelah mendapat semula duit deposit. Jgn buat2 lupa ye. Hutang wajib dibayar walaupun tidak dituntut.

Bukan main panjang Dee sharing ye. That's all for now. Utk yg baca sampai habis mesti korang dalam perancangan atau proses membeli rumah kan. Dee hrp sharing ni berguna. Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan utk korang. Dee xde la harap korang belanja mkn, tp kalau ada org nk proofread paper atau nk dtg tuition English kat rumah Dee (area Hicom, Shah Alam) minta dorang pm Dee ye. Dee kne la sambung blk part time job  yg biasa buat b4 pindah Selangor dlu. Dee kne bayar 2 loan rumah ni huhu

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Dye Fixative

This dye fixative is a life saver! I just bought a red readymade cotton kurung and as expected, the colour bleeds out. I'm too lazy to handwash it everytime it needs washing so I just use this once. Then, I can mix it with my other clothes and machine wash it. It saves a lot of my time hehe

How to use it? 

Mix the dye fixative with water and soak ypur clothers in it for 20 minutes. Please wear gloves. 

Where did I buy it? 

I bought it for RM4 per bottle from Shopee.  You can type "pemati warna" or "pengekal warna pakaian" since it is listed as such. 

Happy Trying! 

Saturday 18 November 2017

Essence Like a Jungle Dream Perfume

This is Essence Like a Jungle Dream perfume and I found this gem in Watsons. 
the bottle

the ingredients

It costed me about MYR 11 for 10 ml of product. Since it’s available in drugstore, you can easily pick it up. To be honest, I picked it up at the airport when I forgot to pack a bottle of perfume in my luggage. It definitely came handy because it’s also a travel sized perfume. It has a sweet fragrant and I think it is pretty good of a perfume for a drugstore product. Most drugstore perfumes disappear the minute you spray it. This one has a medium longevity about 5 hours. It’s longer if you spray it on your clothes which gives 8 hours lasting power. The downside of it is that Essence only made it in one scent. Also, if you don’t like sweet smell, you should avoid buying this perfume.

Saturday 30 September 2017

L'Oréal Anti Pore Pure Clay Mask Review

I've tried L'Oréal's latest product which is the Pure Clay Mask. This range comes with tree types of masks namely Illuminating, Anti Pore and Hydrating.



A few of my friends had trouble choosing which one to buy. These are the tips. Basically it depends on your need. If you have dull skin, you might want to buy the illuminating clay mask. If you have large pores, you might want to buy the anti pore clay mask and if you have dry skin, you might want to buy the hydrating clay mask. What if you have all of the problems? (my friend did ask me that). I would say, choose the problem that is the most obvious. I bought the Anti Pore one for only MYR 26.90 during sales. The normal price is MYR 42.90. It contains Moroccan lava lay and rosemary extract. I really like it.


  1. It's affordable. I think this product is affordable for a clay mask. For starters, it's from Morocco OK
  2. It's easy to get hold of. Since this clay ask is a drugstore product, you won't have trouble to find it. You also don't have to order it online and wait for it to be shipped. Just go to the nearest drugstores and supermarkets. 
  3. It's easy to put on.                                                                                                                      You don't have to mix it with water or anything. You just have to open the cap and take a suitable amount of the clay mask and apply it to your skin. I just apply it on my T-zone and cheek because those are the areas where my pores are visible.
  4. This product will last long since you also don't need a huge amount of product for it to work. 
  5. I like the fact that I just have to leave the clay mask on my skin for 10 minutes. It doesn't take long for the clay mask o do its job. So, you can still apply this mask even when you have little time to get ready.
  6. This is the most important part. I like what it does to my skin. It really does what it claims it would do. It leaves my skin feeling fresh, softened and smooth guys.
Me wearing L'Oréal Pure Clay Mask


I think you guys should give this L'Oréal Pure Clay Mask a try.  I haven't try the illuminating and hydrating clay mask. Perhaps you guys could let me know about that?

Friday 22 September 2017


So I found this gem at Watsons the other day.
It's IN2IT Colour Stix Matte. There are 5 available shades and mine is in the shade Burn Rose 601. It has become my go to lipstick. I absolutely love it. Why do I like it so much? These are the reasons.

I read that it's a limited edition. If you know the feeling of owning an exclusive cosmetics, then you'll understand me. I should probably stock it up :D

The actual price is MYR 14.90 but I bought it for MYR 9.90 guys! Yes MYR 9.90. Can you believe it? I don't think that I could find another cheap lipstick this good. 

Sometimes round nibs of a crayon lipstick makes it easier to line your lips but it's difficult to fill your lips.The chisel edge nib of this Matte Stix makes it easier for you to line AND fill your lips. 

As written on the lipstick, it's matte. The texture is so creamy and it fells smooth on the lips. It's also not too drying. Most of the matte lipsticks are drying for me. This one is not. This is how I look wearing it.
The colour pay-off is great.This Burnt Rose shade is nice rite? 

You guys should totally check it out. Ok GTG. Bye xoxo

Thursday 17 August 2017

A Review of Arome Floral Perfumed Lip Scrub by Watsons

Last week when I went to Watsons (Malaysian drugstore), I was so excited to see this lip scrub as there's not many lip scrub marketed  here. 

I bought one slightly cheaper than the normal price which is  MYR 22.90. It costed me MYR 20.61. 


I really like the packaging. On the packaging, it says, this lip scrub makes lips soft and moist with its fine sugar which will remove dead skin cells and the appearance of lines on the lips. It also contains collagen and Hyaluronic Acid for hydration and repair as well as Vitamin E and Shea butter for moisture.

The direction to use it is easy. You just have to massage the lip scrub on your lips in circular motion for 30 seconds. Then, wash it away with lukewarm water. 

I tried this lip scrub. Overall, it was OK. The smell is really pleasant. It does make a difference to my lips as they are smoother. 

However, it's not that impressive. It's nothing you can't achieve with the things you already have in your kitchen. Rub some brown sugar and honey on your lips and it will produce the same result. You also don't have to pay MYR20+ for it. So for me, this product is a pass. I wouldn't repurchase it.

Sunday 7 May 2017

A review of Heng Fang Skinny Microcara

This is a review a mascara called Heng Fang Skinny Microcare. 

 Heng Fang Skinny Microcara.
 The wand.

The ingredients.

It's made in People's Republic of China (PRC). Let's be honest, what's not made in PRC nowadays? hehe. What I really mean is, this brand is originated  and formulated in PRC hence, the name. The mascara wand is soo tiny that it has 2.5mm brushes. It's a lengthening instead of a volumising mascara. This type of mascara is suitable for people with monolid eyes or hooded eyes like me. People with 'normal' almond eyes, can also use this type of mascara especially on their lower lashes. 

This is a look of a 'normal' eye wearing this mascara.

The lengthening effect.


I'm very clumsy when it comes to applying mascara. Most of the time, the ,mascara would get on my lid or around my eyes. Then, I have to clean it up with a cotton bud. The tiny brushes make it easy for this mascara to coat individual lashes. I also get to maneuver the mascara better. It's very easy to use because it doesn't smudge as much as a normal mascara would during application. I like how my lashes turn out using this mascara. Can you see how lifted my lashes are? :D

                      My hooded eye wearing this mascara.                                   View from the side.


I like to rub my eyes. So it's a must for me to use only waterproof mascara. And this skinny mascara is. Once it's completely dried, I don't have to worry about anything.

Both my current mascara which is L'oreal Curl Impact Collegene Mascara and this new Heng Fang Skinny Microcara are waterproof. The L'oreal Mascara has to be removed with an oil based remover like Virgin Coconut Oil. Other types of removers do not work. The good news is, this Skinny Microcara can be removed with just micellar water.

You all must have known by now that I'm a sucker for dupes and affordable makeups rite. Although it can't be found in the drugstore, this mascara is more on the affordable side. I've seen people marketed this type of mascara for RM 50.00 on facebook. You can find it on facebook. It's called The Orchid Mascara which is the same thing I bet!


The only thing that I'm not happy with this mascara is the amount of product I got. Do you notice the wand end is longer than the tube end for this mascara? This is because, this mascara only gives 3 grams of product instead of the usual 8-9 grams of product. I guess it suits the price.